Reconstructive Urologic Surgery

Reconstructive Urologic Surgery
By:John A. Libertino
Published on 1998 by Mosby Incorporated

The only available reference to focus on reconstructive urologic surgery, this new edition remains the most up-to-date and comprehensive source of information on increasingly sophisticated techniques in the field. Heavily illustrated, it provides detailed instruction on the newest methods of correcting a multitude of congenital anomalies (such as undescended testes), as well as many acquired problems that result from trauma or malignancy (such as bladder cancer). With a focus on the technical aspect of reconstructive urologic surgery, it covers all major adult and pediatric procedures in 70 in-depth chapters -- all with sufficient detail to help the reader decide which techniques are applicable in his or her own practice. * Comprehensive coverage of all major reconstructive procedures. * Superbly illustrated, depicting relevant anatomy and detailing the technical aspects of each procedure. * Highly authoritative contributors who are experts in their respective areas of urology. * Addresses both adult and pediatric patients.

This Book was ranked at 38 by Google Books for keyword plastic reconstruct surgery sj.

Book ID of Reconstructive Urologic Surgery's Books is x41sAAAAMAAJ, Book which was written byJohn A. Libertinohave ETAG "reWMQoNn7qM"

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Book which have "694 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical

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Reconstructive Urologic Surgery


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