
By:Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Published on 2016-07-05 by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

~ Flirty & Feisty Romance Novel ~Sultry beauty, Elna Cardona has a definite reason she is at Barcelona El Prat Airport. Although there are things about her life she is not proud of, at least she does not have to worry about being restrained by the demands of a serious relationship. When a tall, dark-skinned man with piercing eyes accosts her on the flight to California, her chest pounds and she wets her thongs.Accomplished restaurant franchise owner, Tonye Briggs has other things on his mind when he boards the flight from Spain to Los Angeles. When a woman with golden hair and blue eyes slips into a fish-net swimsuit during the flight, he thrusts his urgent workload aside and tracks her down. Only, he does not consider the rough road to seduction. Will the tiny spark in Elna and Tonye's eyes burst into flames or will their passion die out before they touch down in Beverly Hills?~ From the Author of Seduced Hearts ~

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Book ID of Indecent's Books is 7cw-DQEACAAJ, Book which was written byStella Eromonsere-Ajanakuhave ETAG "PPwz3VmhcQs"

Book which was published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform since 2016-07-05 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781534914810 and ISBN 10 Code is 1534914811

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Book which have "214 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category

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