The Oases

The Oases
By:Alberto Siliotti
Published on 2007 by Amer Univ in Cairo Press

In 48 full-color pages, The Oases is the perfect accompaniment for any visitor to Egypt's six major oases in the Western Desert: Fayoum, Bahariya, Farafra, Dakhla, Kharga, and Siwa. Shaded by palm trees, these sizeable inhabited oases have drawn travelers from the outside world for centuries. With over 150 illustrations and maps, this concise guide describes in detail the highlights of these remote oases, including the mysterious White Desert outside Farafra, the Valley of the Golden Mummies in Bahariya, and the unique culture of Siwa--home of Egypt's only Berber-speaking people. The Oases serves as a fascinating introduction to these remote and beautiful regions.

This Book was ranked at 5 by Google Books for keyword dangar anne lettres a la pierre qui vire collection visages et documents 1 editions zodiaque eo 1972.

Book ID of The Oases's Books is OnEukgEACAAJ, Book which was written byAlberto Siliottihave ETAG "CTADo3UeOl4"

Book which was published by Amer Univ in Cairo Press since 2007 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9789774249846 and ISBN 10 Code is 9774249844

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Book which have "48 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryTravel

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Book was written in en

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The Oases


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