O Aleijadinho e sua oficina

O Aleijadinho e sua oficina
By:Myriam Andrade Ribeiro de Oliveira,Olinto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho,Antonio Fernando Batista dos Santos
Published on 2002 by

Reúne imagens da obra do escultor Aleijadinho, propondo uma periodização do seu trabalho e um levantamento exaustivo das obras criadas em sua oficina.

This Book was ranked at 13 by Google Books for keyword asas partidas o primeiro amor de gibran em portuguese do brasil.

Book ID of O Aleijadinho e sua oficina's Books is 4excAAAAMAAJ, Book which was written byMyriam Andrade Ribeiro de Oliveira,Olinto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho,Antonio Fernando Batista dos Santoshave ETAG "mWSAIcVMdP0"

Book which was published by since 2002 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is and ISBN 10 Code is

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "335 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryChristian saints in art

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

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Book was written in pt

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O Aleijadinho e sua oficina


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